The American Legion is an organization of war veterans who have dedicated themselves to the service of the
community, state and nation. Each Post of the American Legion is authorized to adopt a name for the Post in honor of a deceased veteran.
Jersey Village American Legion Post 324, having given considerable thought and prayer since the Post was organized in 1999 has elected to name the Post in honor of FIRST LIEUTENANT JEREMY E. RAY, an
officer in the United States Army, 1st Squadron, 3rd Armored Calvary Regiment. Jeremy grew up in Jersey Village, Texas graduating from Jersey Village High School and earned his Eagle Scout
award from Boy Scout Troop 747 at Jersey Village Baptist Church. Jeremy was also a junior member of the Jersey Village Fire Department during his high school years. Jeremy graduated from
Texas A&M University in May of 2006. Jeremy Ray's parents, Randy and Debbie Ray, have given written consent for the Post to name the Post after him.
At the January 21, 2013 City of Jersey Village Council Meeting, Post Commander Jimmy Baughman formally announced the renaming of Jersey Village American Legion Post 324 as the Jeremy E. Ray Post 324,
The American Legion in honor of Jeremy's sacrifice for God and Country. It is believed this will be one of the first American Legion Posts named after an Iraqi veteran in the United States and
in Texas. Jeremy's parents and his brother, Justin Ray (who is a Jersey Village Councilman) will be shown the reissued Post charter formally recognizing the new Post name.
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