Monthly Minutes Posted



American Legion

Jeremy E. Ray Post 324

Jersey Village, TX

April 14, 2024

Regular Meeting – Minutes


Commander Stefanie Otto called the meeting to order at 1601 hours.  There were 8 officers present:

                Commander Stefanie Otto

                1st Vice Commander David Pyke

                2nd Vice Commander   Open

                Service Officer Bill Brown Absent

                Adjutant Terry Coon

                Finance Officer Michael LaRose

                Sgt-at-Arms Wayne Huebner                                                                                                        

                Chaplin Richard Ater

                Judge Advocate Trey Pryor

                Historian Robert Howard


                And 13 other members and 0 visitor for a total of 21 were present.  A quorum was met, and the meeting continued.




                Adjutant Terry Coon requested a motion to forgo reading the minutes from the last meeting by distribution of minutes via email to all members. David Pyke motioned to accept the minutes and it was seconded by Paul Haines.  Motion was then passed by membership.


Finance Report:

                Finance Officer:  Michael LaRose reported that the available funds of Post 324 were $8,694.65 as of 04/01/2024 (not including the $300.00 set aside for Veterans in need, return of check from Irene Infante and $57.00 restricted funds for Women’s Auxiliary.)  Motion to accept finance report pending further audit was made by Jimmy Baughman and seconded by Robert Howard. The motion passed by membership.




1st Vice:  The Spring Convention had excellent speakers/training from Jennifer, Veteran’s Benefits, Barb Martinez from VA Hospital suicide prevention division and Mike Lacey, VA Department American Legion representative.

Tom Marty spoke to the group as a candidate for Texas Department commander.


2nd Vice: New – James Bramble:  He is looking at possible speakers to bring to our meetings that would be helpful to the needs of members.  Camp Hope, James from Division of Homes for Homeless Veterans are both possible.  Also found the Division Convention very impressive for first time experiencing.


Chaplin: Please pray for our Nation and remember that Israel is God’s People as well.


Sgt of Arms:  Nothing to report.


JAG:  Nothing to report


Service Officer: He was able to assist two veterans in need of services.


Judge Adjutant:  Nothing to report.


Historian: New Veteran’s story from Ted Lukeman that will be handed over to Irene (new Historian) and Terry Coon (Adjutant) to coordinate and finalize.  This is his last year as historian and the members praised Robert for his service to the legion.  We are grateful for his work and time spent.


New Members: 


Andy (Michael) Anderson so glad to faces with the names on emails.


Old Business:                                  


  1. Commander Stefani Otto reminded everyone that she has a list to order shirts.  They should be around $35.00 each.
  2. The Second quarter Charity is Grace After Fire and they always need Walmart gift cards.  Commander stated that she has a list of what they will accept.  You can bring it to the next meeting.
  3. Boys State is coming up and at District they say we have 12 but Jimmy states we have 7 paid participants.  Commander has been and will discuss the possible participants from the JROTC as the awards ceremonies start soon.
  4. As of April 5th, Post membership is at one hundred percent.  Thank you to Bill Brown and Terry Coon for helping call for renewal and transfer.
  5. Multi-year renewal is available through National at $40/year for 3 years.  With membership fees increasing this is still a deal.
  6. We will now swear in our new officers but first I (Commander) need 2 members for the Executive committee.  We meet every quarter on the same days as the monthly meeting at 3pm.  J.T. Smith, Jerry Roberts and Paul Somes volunteered and were sworn in along with our new 2nd Vice Commander, James Bramble.  Irene Infante, new Historian, was excused due to illness but will be sworn in when available.



New Business


  1. Commander Stefanie Otto announced that the City of Jersey Village will award the Officer of the Quarter on April 22nd at City Hall.  Please attend at 7pm.
  2. On Saturday April 6th members that attended the District Convention nominated new district officers.
    1. Commander – George Snell
    2. Adjutant – Steven Johnson
    3. Finance – Dwight Rumph
    4. 1st Vice – Irene Infante
    5. Sgt Arms – Mike Flynn
  3. Our post is hosting the next DEC meeting on May 7th, Tuesday with dinner at 6pm and the meeting at 7pm in the big room.
  4. Commander, Stefanie Otto announced that the Post (and her) received 3 awards:
    1. 100 percent meeting membership
    2. Getting off the Porch from Division Commander Sparks
    3. For the Junior Shooting participation.  Only 2 posts sponsored this event and Laughman Creek ranked 37th out of 100.  They had 6 shooters and awards will be given on April 24th at 5pm.
  5. Jersey Village has their JROTC ball on May 4th, commander’s alma mater.


Good of the Legion:


  1. Wayne Huebner:  VA hospital needs volunteers.  Easy process to apply and you only need the first 2 Covid Vaccines.  They are also in need of healthy snacks, clothing (new) and books, both men and women.
  2. Post 827 (Black historical post that grew from 5 members to about 180 in 5 years) puts on Bingo at the VA Hospital and we are welcome to attend.  It is every 3rd Saturday from 2pm to 4pm.  Information for the room in hospital reception.  Very successful!
  3. Trey Pryor:  Sign up for the Bus Trip to Newman’s Castle in Bellville on May 18th.  Register by email with me by Thursday May 9th.  This was chosen because the owner died recently and it’s unknown how long the family will continue to operate tours.  Cost is $20 and includes a simple sack lunch.  We will stop at the Bellville Meat Market before returning the Cypress by about 3:30pm. Be at the Richard and Meg Weekley Community Center (8440 Greenhouse Rd, Cypress) by 8:30am with exactly $20.00.
  4.  Wayne Huebner:  Went to Washington D.D. tour via the Honor Flight sponsored by Southwest Airlines and visited the Vietnam and other memorials.  The Vietnam memorial was an incredible experience.  J.T. Smith added that he will be joining the VFW 8905 members at Hobby to welcome the flight return next Friday.



                There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 16 hours. Our next scheduled meeting will be on Sunday, May 19th at 1600 hours (4pm) at VFW 8905, HWY 290 next to Carl’s BBQ.



Respectfully Submitted:

Terry Coon, Adjutant

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