American Legion
Jeremy E. Ray Post 324
Jersey Village, TX
December 8, 2024
Regular Meeting – Minutes
Commander Stefanie Otto called the meeting to order at 1625 hours. There were 7 officers present:
Commander Stefanie Otto
1st Vice Commander David Pyke
2nd Vice Commander James Bramble – N/A
Service Officer Bill Brown - Absent
Adjutant Terry Coon
Finance Officer Michael LaRose
Sgt-at-Arms Wayne Huebner
Chaplin Richard Ater
Judge Advocate Trey Pryor - Absent
Historian Irene Infante
And 12 other members and 15 visitors for a total of 37 were present. A quorum was met, and the meeting continued.
Adjutant Terry Coon requested a motion to forgo reading the minutes from the last meeting by distribution of minutes via email to all members. David Pyke moved to accept the minutes, and it was seconded by Mike LaRose. Motion was then passed by membership.
Finance Report:
Finance Officer: The balance as of 12/01/2024 is $5,289.00 with $300.00 set aside for member assistance and $57.00 set aside for Auxiliary. A motion was made by Jimmy Baughman and seconded by Jerry Roberts to accept report pending audit. Motion was then passed by membership.
(Reports from officers forgone due to time)
1st Vice:
2nd Vice: NA
Sgt of Arms:
Service Officer:
Judge Adjutant: Absent
New Members/ Visiting Members:
Richard is a Navy veteran. Jim Kotzur Army veteran (Wayne Sponsored)
Old Business:
Commander Stefanie Otto reported on the post oratorical contest which Hunter Payne participated in and won the $300 scholarship. The district 8 contest will be held on December 14th at 9am at Jersey Village Community Center. Steve Volkman will be leading this up for the first time with Wayne Hueber assisting. Terry Coon volunteered to be a female chaperone.
The Commander reported that our membership goal is at 75% and encouraged members to renew to meet a 100% goal by December 31st
New Business:
Commander Stefanie Otto reported on:
Good of the Legion:
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 1643 hours. Our next scheduled meeting, be on Sunday, January 12th at 1600 hours (4pm) at VFW 8905, HWY 290 next to Carl’s BBQ.
Respectfully Submitted:
Terry Coon, Adjutant