American Legion
Jeremy E. Ray Post 324
Jersey Village, TX
July 9th, 2023
Regular Meeting – Minutes
Commander Stefanie Otto called the meeting to order at 1600 hours. There were 9 officers present:
Commander Stefanie Otto
1st Vice Commander David Pyke
2nd Vice Commander Open
Service Officer – Bill Brown
Adjutant Terry Coon
Finance Officer Michael LaRose
Sgt-at-Arms Wayne Huebner
Chaplin Richard Ater
Judge Advocate Trey Pryor
Historian Robert Howard
And 16 other members and no 17 visitors (family members) for a total of 41 present. A quorum was met, and the meeting continued.
Commander Stefani Otto requested a motion to forgo reading the minutes from the last meeting by distribution of June meeting minutes via email to all members. Wayne Huebner motioned to accept the minutes and it was seconded by Donna McCarty. Motion was then passed by membership.
Finance Report:
Finance Officer: Michael LaRose reported that the available funds of Post 324 were $10,270.87 as of 07/09/2023. Motion to accept finance report pending further audit was made by Jimmy Baughman and seconded by Gene Denham. The motion passed by membership.
1st Vice David Pyke: Nothing to report.
2nd Vice: (none)
Chaplin: Pray for the leaders of our Country and for the Country.
Sgt of Arms: Nothing to report.
Historian: Nothing to report .
Service Officer Bill Brown:
1. Tuesday July 13th in Tomball PAC session from 11am to 4pm. Be sure to register with the VA.
2. The Eagle Scout project for placing flag boxes is struggling. Please let me know of places where they would be accepted to place.
Judge Adjutant: N/A
Old Business: None
Old Business:
Good of the Legion:
1. Commander and Irene Infante will be at Department Convention in Austin this week.
2. July 17th at Jersey Village City Council meeting we will present the Officer of the quarter.
3. Irene Infante announced there will be another pillow Sewing event coming up. Information to follow as setup.
4. Jimmy moved to adjourn the meeting with motion seconded by Wayne Huebner. Motion passes by members.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 1613 hours. Our next scheduled meeting will be on Sunday, August 13th at 1600 hours (4pm) at VFW 8905, HWY 290 next to Carl’s BBQ.